Saturday, January 17, 2009

Aim, Fire, Rinse, Repeat

Today was awesome. Seriously. I spent the entire day snowboarding. By the way, it's really weird to switch from mountain weather back to the weather here around Charlotte. When we got back it was like 30 degrees, and I was like, "Man, it's hot." Wow. Well, it was 4 degrees when we were snowboarding, and I wasn't really cold then... Anyways, I think I can truthfully say, without a doubt, with no hesitation whatsoever, that I was by far the fastest snowboarder on the slopes, period.

Key Word: Fastest.

That doesn't AT ALL mean skilled. I can also say, without hesitation, that I was one of the worst snowboarders there. But I didn't care at all. 

Here is how snowboarding works for Stuart, whom I was with. He starts at the top (obviously), and very methodically weaves his way from right to left down the slope, at a nice brisk pace, weaving in and out of slower travelers as he goes. He generally doesn't say much, and concentrates on not falling down and keeping his balance. (He only fell down like 3 times the whole day)

Here is how snowboarding works for me. I stand at the top of the slope. I look down, and find a spot where I got a clear shot, with nobody in front of me, and with nothing to avoid or turn away from. I start going. Here is my general dialogue-


And that is generally when the world turns upside down.

But it's so much fun. I really only had 2 bad crashes. One of them I did a cartwheel, and the other one I belly flopped over a jump. I would pretty much zoom past everybody, and then gain so much speed that the slightest bump would send me flying. But it was awesome. I'm kinda sore right now, but it was so worth it.

Haha, Stuart said I'm not a snowboarder, I'm a guy who stands on a snowboard and goes down a hill on it. 

And now I'm looking forward to frisbee tomorrow after church, which will be the first in a really long time.

I'm gonna go to sleep now, cause I'm super tired. See you guys at church.



  1. Oh, I know what you mean. That's what it was like when I went to MI. NC feeling like the Bahamas compared to /real/ winter. haha

    Sounds awesome. I have been wanting to go skiing or snowboarding for sometime now. I'm pretty sure I would be much worse that you, however. Sounds slightly painful, but it sounds soooo worth it!

  2. Yeah, I'm from Georgia. If it snows 1 inch we panic and run to the store to get supplies. I love cold weather though.

    Oh and believe me, I am super sore right now. Like really sore. But that is just because, in Stuart's words, "Dude, there is a difference between having no skill on a snowboard, and outright idiocy."

    But I like speed. :)

  3. Haha. Your stories about wrecking were pretty funny. Hope you don't stay sore for too long, though.

  4. haha, I know. They are terrified of like a flurry and cancel schools and all. In MI, you have to have like a blizzard before they think about canceling schools and stuff. haha

    Yeah, hope you aren't sore for too long. I like speed too B)

  5. Alright, so it's Monday afternoon, and I'm still ridiculously sore. Ouch.

    Oh well. At least I don't have to do anything physically demanding anytime soon.
