So, I'm sitting here at CPCC's Levine Campus in Matthews. I've got 1 hour and 15 minutes until my next class. I'm so glad that CPCC has computer labs....
I've got so much stuff I want to do right now. I want to play music. I want to listen to music. I want to play frisbee. I want to go camping. Yes, I want to go camping RIGHT NOW. I want to play football. I want to armwrestle one of my coworkers at CFA. I'll beat him one of these days. I want to play certain computer games. I want the Ipod Touch that I ordered last night to arrive right now. I want to graduate high school right now. I want to get a new car right now. I want to hang out with all my friends. I want to see some of my friends that I haven't seen in years. I want to be 18 right now. There are so many others.....
But, I've still got a lot of time before any of this happens. Some of it may happen tonight, tomorrow, in the next couple days...... Some of it may happen in weeks, months, years.... I've got so much time before me.
What am I going to do with all that time? The 'practical American' inside me says, "Save up money!! Finish college!! Buy your own house!!"
But that isn't what I really need to be thinking about. After all, what am I even here for? To praise God, and carry out the great commission. With that in my mind, why am I so bothered by all these other things that I "don't have time for"? I don't need to have time for them. They are not what's important.
Well, I've still got an hour until my class. Guess that I better get busy...